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Usually I seldom read comics, but my only favorite comic exists. It is “Hunter × Hunter” I like it very much though I don’t read comics. To tell the truth, my friend recommended this manga to me. He is Ryo Yonawa, my high school friend. That reminds me, he now goes to medical treatment school in saga, because he wants to be a physical therapist. He likes Ellegarden, a Japanese band. I like the band very much also. He likes what I like, we are get along well. When he return to Kumamoto, I always play with him. We usually go to Cybac. I like Cybac very much. He just sings Ellegarden’s songs. He really likes it. To return to my main topic, I want to introduce Hunter × Hunter to everyone. I really want everyone to read this manga. I’ll explain content of Hunter × Hunter from now. This manga’s hero name is Gon. He had heard that his father is dead from a foster parent, but a hunter appear in front of Gon. Then he say that Gon’s father is alive and he is a great hunter to Gon. So Gon thinks that he wants to be a excellent hunter, and he decide to take a hunter examination. When he is twelve, he goes to an examination room to take a hunter examination. He makes friends with Kurapika, Reorio, Kilua in there. They are main characters of this manga. They want to be a hunter like Gon also. That is a barrier which only one of a million people can surmount. Thay have to clear the entrance examination hurdle. Moreover they have to take a back examination if they pass the first examination. For the present, 600 hunters are in the world. There are various kinds of hunters in the world. For example, treasure hunter, mad dog hunter, gourmet food hunter, remain hunter, phantom beast hunter, contract hunter, music hunter, prize hunter, beast hunter, uma hunter and so on. It is so many. In addition, a class of hunter exists. An amateur, license owner, a professional, single star, double star, triple star. If I am in this manga’s world, I want to be a music hunter. Because I like music very much. That reminds me, my recently favorite artist exists. It is Bruno Mars. He is a American singer and R&B singer. I like his songs very much, so I bought his CD before. Many good songs are in the CD. It is very good. Songs I like are so many, so I introduce part of it. My favorite his songs are “just the way you are”, “Nothin’ on you”. I like “Nothin’ on you” in particular. It is little old song and I think that it is very good song. He sings this song with B.O.B. B.O.B is a Hip-Hop wrapper. I like him also, so this song is very good for me. I really want everyone to listen to this song. To return to my main topic, anyway Hunter × Hunter is very interesting! So I want everyone to read this. By the way, wherever I hear someone mention manga, I remember “One Piece”. “One Piece” is a typical Japanese manga. I think that people who does not know it not exist. To tell the truth, I don’t know this manga well. Everyone criticizes me for it. Everybody like it, so recommend this manga to me. But I don’t think that I want to read it. Because I am not interested in it. I don’t know reason why everybody likes it. But if I start to read this manga, I think that I can not stop to read. I think that it would be interesting, so I don’t read it. Author of “One Piece” is Oda Eiichiro. To my surprise, he is from Kumamoto. I am glad of it though I am not interested in it. I think that he is star of Kumamoto. I am proud of it. I think that everyone thinks so. That reminds me, I think that big name who are from kumamoto are many. For example, Suzanne, Maika, Kana Kurashina, Kengo Kora, Teruyoshi, Uchimura, Cream Stew, Hiroshi, Atsuro Tayama, etc. Do you know Aturo Tayama? I think that perhaps everyone does not know about him. He is a designer. Surprisingly, he handled design of ANA group’s uniform. He is dazzling man. He is from Kyusyu Gakuin high school. I’m from Kyusyu Gakuin also, so I know him well. I wore a uniform designed by Atsuro Tayama in my school days. I liked it. I like Kengo Kora very much. He is an actor. He is from Kyusyu Gakuin high school also, so I am proud of him. He appears many Japanese movie. My favorite movie is “soranin”. He plays a hero of this movie. Moreover a heroin of this movie is Aoi Miyazaki. I like her very very much. I think that she is so cute. In addition, a band sings theme song of this movie. The band is Asian Kung-fu Generation. I really like this band very much, so this movie is very good for me. This is my best movie. They have a intimate relationship in this movie, so I envy him. I want everyone to watch this movie by all means. My favorite Asian kung-fu Generation’s song is “kiminomachimade”. This song is good from intro part. My friend likes Asian Kung-fu Generation like me also. The friend is Hatimo. So I talk about him from now. He is my classmate, and he lives near my house. He is known as Jolly Pasta’s ace by everyone. He works at Jolly Pasta in ooe. I think that he is great, because he works for a living. He pays the cost of living to use his money. I think that it is tough for college student to live alone. I think that I can not live without allowance from parent, but he makes a living. So I think that he is a great man. That reminds me, there is a man who earns a good income exists among us. Yes, his name is Yuta Ikezaki, a popular name “Bora”. He is called Bora by everyone. He earns a good income. Everyone who know him think that it is a profitable business. I think so too. The reason why he can earn money to just wave a stick. I think that it is really easy work, nevertheless he earns a good income than us, so everyone envies him. But he says that it is hard work. I think that possibly he is right. In other words, there is no way to make money easily. “Such is life” My high school English teacher always said this word to us. I remember it clearly. He is Akira Iba, aged teacher. He often made wise remarks. I want to introduce part of it to everyone. I wish it would be useful for everyone. There is such wise remark he said. “Life has three slopes(saka), noborizaka, kudarizaka, masaka” I was helped by this word many times, so I always appreciate him. I think that he is a good teacher, because he is good at teaching English. He taught me many things concering English. Thanks to him, I became like English a little. Speaking of “saka”, I remember “kokuriko-zaka kara” It is a new studio ghibli movie. I really want to see the movie recently. I want to see it as soon as possible. As far as I think it is very interesting, because I saw a preview of the movie these days. And I thought that it is interesting. Hatimo says so yesterday. He is a ghibli movie enthusiast. I like part of ghibli movie also. My favorite studio ghibli movie is “Porco Rosso” The movie is a story about pig pilot. There is a famous word that he said in this movie. The word is “Pigs do not fly is just a pigs” He said this word, I think that he is so cool. I forgot myself as I listened to his word. I want to be cool like him, but I don’t want to be a pig. Speaking of pig, I remember one friend. He is Ryotaro Miyoshi, a childhood friend. We have known each other since we were boys. He is not fat, but I do not reason why, he was sometimes called “buta” by everyone. He is very interesting man. Fanny stories surrounding him are so many, so I want to talk about these stories to everyone from now. Best story for me exists. We call that “School trip incident” When I was an elementary schoolchild, he was always played by everyone. He was a such character. To tell the truth, he is a such character now. We always play with him. It is fun. It happened in our school trip. That night we took a bath at each room bathroom. When his turn to take a bath, we gathered the bathroom to play a trick. He is always targeted by everyone. I think that he had perceived the danger, but he took a bath. We took his underwear, then put it in a freezer. We looked forward to finish his bath. Then he finished his bath, and noticed that his underwear was disappeared. We could not help laughing. He searched around for it remained bare. We cried with laughter by see it. We thought that he was poor, so we taught whereabouts of his underwear to him. When he opened the freezer, he said that “it frozen!” At that instant there arose a roar of laughter in the room. We burst out laughing at his word. His underwear was really frozen. He could not put on it, so we laughed again. He did not get angry about it, he was just amazed at it. Finally he laughed too. It was very interesting. The story is often talked by us. I think that he is a suitable target. When we play with him, we do same thing every time. It is we leave him. For example, if we go to theme park with him we leave him. He becomes alone every time. We enjoy to see him in the distance. You think that this is bully, but it is not. We get along with him. He get used to this prank. To tell the truth, his parents’ house is near my house, so we are good friends since our childhood. I often went to his house to play with him when I was free before. His father is good at carpentry, so mini wooden house exists in his house. We often played in there. It is a comfortable house. But parent often said that child should play outside. So we often played outside. We played to do many things. For example, hide and seek, table tennis, badminton, baseball, soccer, slide, stuff like that. I think that you must doubt a slide. To my surprise, there is a wooden slide in his house. His house was very fun place for me. I always played to use it. Moreover he had a table tennis table in his house, because he was belonged table tennis club. But he was not good at it well. On the other hand, I became good at it. But I am lack of exercise, so I want to exercise sometimes. I want to play soccer in particular, because I like soccer best. I always watch soccer games, so I thought that I want to watch it directly. So I decided to go to soccer game with Shiraki. He likes soccer too. I will explain him later. We decided to go to Roasso Kumamoto’s game. Roasso Kumamoto is a team of J2. Then we took tickets of the game. We were looking forward to watch it, but a happening happened that day. It rained cats and dogs. The game was enforced, but we could not go to the game due to the state of affairs. To tell the truth, we did not go to the game because of the league is J2. We think that J2 level is lower than J1, and J1 level is lower than foreign countries leagues. So we want to see Spanish league that J league. Foreign countries leagues have many skilled teams. For example, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Villarreal, Valencia, Chelsea, Manchester UTD, Liverpool, Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham, Inter, AC Milan, Juventus, Bayern, Schalke 04, Dortmund, and so on. Moreover many skilled players exist in the world. For example, Lionel Messi, Villa, Pedro, Afellay, Eto’o, Benzema, Adebayor, Rooney, Cassano, Torres, Suarez, Van Persie, Defor, Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Nasri, Ribery, Kaka, Lampard, Van Bommel, Silva, Gerrard, Pepe, Marcelo, Alves, Pique, Casillas, Cesar, Valdes, Buffon, Diarra, Mascherano, Nasri, Milito, Nagatomo, Uchida, Kagawa, Robben, Crouch, and so on. I think that it is a very magnificent cast. I want to see them directly someday. But Roasso Kumamoto holds out now. It is high in J2 rank. I want Roasso Kumamoto to promote to J1 soon. Now I talk about him, Ryohei Shiraki. He is my classmate. I think that he has quick reflexes anyway, because he is good at any sports. He is good at baseball in particular, because he was in the baseball club before. He likes baseball anyway. When he is free, he often goes to play baseball. To tell the truth, I do not like baseball. I am not interested in it. I dislike to watch a baseball game also. I think that it would aroused everyone’s antagonism, I think baseball is boring sport. But everyone says that baseball is god sport. Everybody likes baseball, so I suppose baseball is interesting. But I think that I do not watch and play baseball after this. To return to his topic, he eats salad whenever I see him. He is keeping himself in good health anytime. I should follow him example, because I live bad for health life. So I must improve my lifestyle. He likes J-Pop music very much. His favorite artist is Greeeen, because their sounds make him happy. He does not play a musical instrument, but he played a guitar before. He was not good at it. He does not like karaoke though he likes to sing a song. The reason why he can not sing very well. But I do not think so, I like his singing voice. He practices playing the guitar every day. He wants to be able to play the guitar well. I can not help crying the his hard work. Speaking of tear, Ketsumeishi song “Namida” is good. I like Ketsumeishi very much. There is a their song I liked recently. It is “ballad” I always listen to the song recently. My keitai has not the song, but the song is in Hatimo’s keitai. So I always rent his keitai to listen to ballad. I want to be able to sing this song. I want to sing this song at next karaoke. By the way, it is getting hot these days. It was 33℃  today. Summer has come soon. I want to do many thing in this summer. For example, soccer, baseball, drive, sea, bowling, table tennis, karaoke, exercise, slide, stuff like that. Of course, I am going to study. In addition, I am going to write this blog. No matter how I make plans, I suppose I am free for the vacation. So I write about my expected days of summer vacation from now. First I wake up with the morning sun. It shine into the room from the curtain. I am still sleepy, but I make morning coffee. I have a good time in the morning. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face carefully. Then I go out of my house and I walk around to exercise. I greet neighbor with a smile pleasantly. I walk in the park near my house. The sun shines me.  The sun shines on the rich and the poor alike. I savor the blessings of nature. I sweat due to walk long distance, so I come back my home. And I wash my sticky body in the bath, and I feel refresh. Then I make a second coffee. I have a second coffee time. Then I prepare a light dish to use the rest food, and I eat it cool. To omit afternoon part, at night I sleep with noon. I think that I can not spend this life. By the way, Nadeshiko Japan won the Women’s world cup Germany 2011. I was very excited! I watched the game real time though I was sleepy. I think that it is a splendid achievement. Nadeshiko Japan was very strong, but I think that America was stronger than Nadeshiko. Their mental was stronger than America team ones. I think that it is important for them to win a big cup. America goalkeeper praised Nadeshiko Japan. Her word moved me deeply. I think that their great victory encouraged Japan. I think that Nadeshiko japan is stronger than J2 teams. I want to see their game. By the way, I want to study abroad the English speaking world someday, because I want to be able to speak English well. I want to go to New Zealand in particular, because I think that New Zealand is a beautiful place. But I think that it will take a lot of money to study abroad. In fact I do not have money a lot, so I really want money. I hope earnestly. If I won ten million yen in a public lottery, I go to abroad no hesitation. First I have to study English more. I think that my English level is low, so I want to improve my level. I think that friends around are good at English. Their level is high, so I want to catch up with their level. I must study harder for it, but I always sleep when I have a free time although I recognize that it is a bad thing. I do not why but I am always sleepy. It is a waste of time to do such a thing. I do not manage time or I spend wasted time. Anyway I want to study abroad within 5 years, but I like Kumamoto very much. I am proud of Kumamoto, because Kumamoto has many attractive spot. For example, Aso mountain, ravine, hot spring, and so on. I want to introduce Kikuchi ravine from now. I have been to there with my friends before. I remember It was very beautiful. The water was clearly and cold. We felt cool air in there. I want everyone to go to there by all means. I suppose that everyone thinks it is a good place. I want to go hot spring in Kumamoto in this summer vacation. I do not go to hot spring recently, so I want to go there. I went to “Batten no yu” with my friends before. But it is not a hot spring, it is a public bath. So we want to go to real hot spring. To tell the truth, we enjoyed “Batten no yu” at that time. I decide to call it Batten from now. Batten is located in Suizenji. Batten has a sauna, and we especially enjoyed it. I liked a sauna. We broke into a sweat. After we out of the sauna, we took a cold water bath. To tell the truth I could not took a cold water bath due to too cold, but my friends took a cold water bath everybody. We repeated it many times. We did it over and over. After we finished it, we drunk a coffee milk. I think that it is the best for us to drink a coffee milk after we took a bath. I often drink a coffee milk after I took a bath, so I want to go to Batten again. By the way, I want to pump up my bicycle tire, because my bicycle has not air enough now. So my bicycle runs slowly. My bicycle color is blue. I bought it when I was high school student. It price was about 10,000. I think that it was very cheap. But I think that my bicycle holding out though cheap. I want to buy a new bicycle, but I feel a strong attachment to it. So I do not want to change it. My bicycle is famous among my friends because my bicycle is conspicuous. If they find a blue bicycle, they say that it is a Gakky’s bicycle to me. It is not mine. They think that any blue bicycle is my bicycle. Everyone has a fashionable bicycle, so I thought that I want it. But I think that it speed is slow. I like my bicycle. I wrote many things in this article. I am glad if everyone to know about me to read this article. Thank you for reading. Goodbye. See you again in the autumn.
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Essay 1-01b: Revision of Letter to a Homestay Family

Hello. My name is Tomohiro. I’m a student of KGU. I really like English very much. I want to talk about my hobby from now. 

I have some hobbies. I listen to music for example, I like Western music in particular, also I especially like R&B and HIP HOP in Western music, because their music makes me relax and excite. When I’m tired, they makes me feel better. My favorite artists recently are TOMI, MISHON, Diggy Simmons and so on.

The other hobby I have is to play sports. I belonged to the tennis club before, but I prefer football more than tennis. I like to play football very much. I also like to watch football games. My favorite football team is Real Madrid, because I like Cristiano Ronaldo. He is so cool. I think that everyone likes him. I want to be good at football like him though I think It is impossible.

 My other hobby is to go for a drive, because driving is fun. But unfortunately I’m not good at parking. So I want to be good at parking like everyone. My last hobby is to watch TV programs. I like comedy programs in particular. My favorite TV programs are “Arabikidan” “on-air battle” and so on, and also my favorite comedian is Hitoshi Matsumoto. He is very interesting. I think everyone knows him, because he often appears on television. All his programs are fun. I think that he is genius.

 I also like to watch the movies. My favorite movie is Transporter series. I especially like Transporter 3, because I like Jason Statham who plays hero of this movie. He is so cool even though he has thin hair. I also like Robert Downey Jr. He is an actor. He is cool also. He plays iron man.

 These are things about me. I’m pleased to meet you. Finally, I ask you a few questions. What are your hobbies? Do you like music? What sports do you like? Do you like to go on a drive? Who is your favorite movie star? What is your favorite TV programs?
 I’m glad if you could answer.
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I like Western music very much. When I am free, I often listen to Western music. I listen to any genre of music. Pop music, Rock, Hip-Hop, R&B, and so on. I especially like R&B music. They make me relax and excite. I think that I can not live without music. I like many western music artists, so I want to introduce part of it to everyone. So many! My favorite Western music artists are Taylor Swift, Trey Songz, Kesha, Katy Perry, Far East Movement, Rihanna, Nelly, Will.i.am, Taio Cruz, Flo Rida, Alicia Keys, Leona Lewis, Chris Brown, Owl City, Git Fresh, Kanye West, Keri Hilson, Jay Sean, Usher, Mike Posner, Maroon 5, B.O.B, Jason Derulo, Lady Antebellum, Eminem, Drake, La Roux, Rick Ross, Black Eyed Peas, Orianthi, Iyaz, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Pink, Madonna, Fergie, Christina Aguilera, Shakira, Akon, Joe, Ne-yo, Craig David, Stevie Hoang, Natalie, Blue, Omarion, Keyshia Cole, Ashanti, Avril Lavigne, Selena Gomez, T.I, Train, Mya, Elisha La’verne, Atozzio, Gucci mane, Jennifer Hudson, Lily Allen, Daft Punk, Kris Ivory, Keana, Mishon, Glasses Malone, Michelle Shaprow, TOMI, R Kelly, Lil’ Eddie, Tynisha Keli, Alesha, Jazmine Sullivan, Whitney Houston, Colbie Cailet, ll cool j, Cassidy, Latif, Bruno Mars, Tim benson, Taj Jackson, Mohombi, Lupe Fiasco, Linkin Park, Hilary duff, Fergie, Jennifer Lopez, Cody Simpson, Mcfly, Chrishan, New Boyz, Big Time Rush, David Guetta, Mann, Bad Meets Evil, and so on! Once I start to talk about these, I could not stop talking. I think that it is important for me to listen to Western music, because it would be learning English. I think that we can used to hearing foreign language to listen to Western music. In fact, I could be able to hear English a little. My ability to understand spoken English is up. As you can see, I like Western music very much. I think that I perhaps prefer Western music to Japanese music, but a big event which undermine this occurred these days. It is a event in my part time job. I work at café restaurant of Kumamoto city. A woman visited there as customers. Yes, she is Maika, Japanese music artist. She is a famous artist. She is famous for her peculiar voice. She is from Kumamoto. To tell the truth, when she came into the our shop first, I did not notice about she is Maika. A working companion taught me about it, so I could recognize her. I thought that I want to speak to her, but I was not courageous. Then a working companion spoke to her, I also spoke to her by riding a flow of it. She was very kind, and she was very very cute!w To tell the truth, I did not think so before meeting her, but once I met her, I thought so. She is very cute. I said about this to my classmate, but they said that she is not cute. They don’t know at all. I want them to meet her directly. I will vouch for her charm. Then I offered my hand to her. Then she gave her willing consent, so I shook hands with her long time. Moreover she signed her name on paper. I was enslaved by her in a split second. I became a her fun. I had a good time. I think that I am simple minded. That night, I wanted to listen to her songs, so I found it on youtube. I liked one of them. The song’s title is “Kokoro”. This is a nice song. This song is main theme of movie ”Raiou”, so famous song. If everyone has free time, I want everyone to listen to this song. Surprisingly this song is my mobile ring tone now. This event changed me. I think that I prefer Japanese music to Western music now. I am simple man. So my present favorite artist is Maika.
Everybody sing, nama~ewo~yonde~♪
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No Hamati No Credit

 I always appreciate a man. Yes his name is Yasuaki Hamatake, everyone's hero. He is my classmate. He is always very very kind to us, and he has a tender heart. I think that he is a model human. Sometimes he looks a god. I think that everyone think that. Because he helped me many times. I have helped by him since I was a student in the first year at university. When last year test period, I did not have some prints distributed in each class. As you can see, I can not solve the test without it. I was in a pinch. Then he lent me a helping hand. He lent prints that I did not have to me. I was very grateful to him for the act. Thanks to that, I could solve the test. To my joy, such events occured several times during the past. Thanks to him, I could get all credits. To my surprise, he helped noy only me but also everyone. I think that I should return a favor to him, so I am going to buy snacks for him. He likes snacks very much. For example, Haichuu, Taratarasitenjyane-yo, moti-taro, kabayakisan-taro, pure-goumi, sours, awadama, umai-bo, apollo, black thunder, crisps, and so on. He especially likes "Juicy" very much, so I am going to buy it. I hope that he will be happy to get it. To tell the truth, I am under the care of him this semester. I think that I am a bad person. I think I should improve it, but I would depend on his kindness. I am fearful of thinking if he is not my classmate. I think that maybe I could not get credits. Thanks Hamati!! I want to get credits this year. Thank you for reading.
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 I'm now in dangerous situation, because my blog progress is so bad. I really want to write many things, but I don't have free time. So I have to do my best. But in fact, I think that we need rest sometimes, so I went to Cybac with my friends Bora and Hatimo on friday afternoon. Hatimo is known as Jolly Pasta's ace. Jolly Pasta has complete trust in Hatimo. I should explain Cybac. Cybac is a internet cafe. We can enjoy to play many things in there. For example, billiards, table tennis, darts, karaoke, internet, shower and so on. We played table tennis first. In short, I became a table tennis king, because I controled other two by only left hand. I want to be more good at table tennis. Then we enloyed karaoke second. We sang just a famous tune. It was very fun. My friend Bora is good at sing a song. He sings any songs well. I want everyone to hear his singing voice. To tell the truth, he just sings songs we don't know, but we can appreciate that he sings well. So his karaoke score is always high. We enjoyed to play billiards third. We competed to drop the ball in pocket how fashionable. It was very fun. Bora was the No. 1. We drank a lot of juice during we are in Cybac. This cause a tragedy later. We out of Cybac then decided to go to eat. We wanted to eat ramen. So we went to Itiran. But we were full, because we drank a lot of juice at the Cybac. We wanted to eat it though we were full. Itiran ramen is popular among us. I think that It is very good. We had a good time. I was always thinking about blog while we are playing. After we ate ramen we went to Hatimo's house by bus. He bought a new TV these days, so I wanted to see it. It was good TV. He was satisfied with the product. We saw Gedo senki on the TV. That reminds me, I like studio ghibli movies very much, so I want to see "Kokuriko-zaka kara". It is a new studio chibli movie. I think that it must have fun. I'm looking forward to see it. My favorite studio ghibli's movie is Porco Rosso. It is very interesting, so I want everyone to see it. We talked on about various subjects, stories of ours past. We had fun time. It was a nice friday. Yes, I must write a blog. Thank you for reading.
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Essay 1-03b: Revised movie reviews

This movie is a story about a family. I watched the first part of this movie, and I thought that viewers of this movie can feel many feelings of characters from this movie. For example, love, disapointment, loneliness, sadness and so on. I felt the love of the family from this movie in particular. I thought that this movie trying to convey us such things also. Such feelings are described in this movie clearly.

Many characters appear on this movie. Daniel, a fond father. Miranda, Daniel's wife and a designer. These two are main characters of this story, and they have three children. Lidia, Chris and Natalie are they. Daniel is loved by the children very much. Two main themes of this movie that I consider are love of the family and husband's disappointment. I think that these are important point of this movie.

Daniel has a job, but he has a tendency to loaf on the job. Moreover he plays with his children though he has such habit. On the other hand, Miranda is pressed by her job and housework. She stressed it, and she dislikes the his habit. One day, he hold a Chris's birthday party, and he made a fuss in the party. When Miranda knew that, she got angry with the incident, and she finally washed her hands of him. So they divorced. I think that it is naturally thing.

 The occurrence disappointed him. After they divorced, he was driven out of his home. Moreover Miranda got a custody of the children, because he is unable to earn his own living.  I think that he was stupid. I want him to know his stupidity. I could feel the husband's disappointment from this thing. I think that it was very great sorrow.

I think that the children was disappointed about the incident too. I consider that it is a great sorrow, because the children love their father very much. So I think that she may have regreted the dicision of divorce, and Daniel was sorry about what he did. I could feel love of the family from this thing. I thought that this movie wants to convey such feelings to the viewers also.

This movie describes many feelings of characters. We can feel the feelings from this movie. So I think that this movie is really good movie. In addition, we can learn about importance of a family. I think that we should cherish the family. I want to recommend everyone this movie, and I want everyone to appreciate good of this movie.
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BR 1-13: Singer Wanted

 I want to recommend this book to everyone. I want everyone to read this book. Many characters appear this book. Jenny, Faye, Daniela and Gemma are main characters of this story, and Tyler, John, and David are sub characters. One day, the school band Hot Rock is looking for a new singer. The band is Faye's band. She plays the keyboard for the band. Daniela thinks want to sing in Faye's band. She wants to be a new singer. Gemma thinks same thing. Daniela and Gemma both want to sing with the band. Who will be the new singer?
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Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
Singer Wanted. Foundations Reading Library.

BR 1-12: The Tickets

Jenny, Jimmy, Kerry and Alex appear this story. Jimmy gives Jenny some tickets for her birthday. Today is Jenny's birthday. Jenny's friend Kerry looks at the tickets. She says "Please give me a tickets, Jenny ". "Sorry" says Jenny. Jenny and Jimmy are very surprised. Jimmy and Jenny go to the classroom. A boy hits Jenny. Something falls from her bag. She drops them. Jenny doesn't see it, but Kerry sees it. Kerry puts the tickets in her purse to return Jenny. Then Jimmy sees the tickets in Kerry's purse. Jimmy doubts Kerry. What does he do?
[100 words]
Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
The Tickets. Foundations Reading Library.

BR 1-11: Goodbye, Hello!

 Alex, Daniela, Jessica and Jenny are characters of this story. Alex and Daniela are brother. One day, they are shopping to buy a gift for mother's birthday. They go into a big store. Daniela looks at the CDs, and Alex looks at the snowboards. A little girl is coming with a shopping cart. She doesn't see Alex, so she hits Alex with the shopping cart. He falls into the snowboards, and it fall onto him. So he is very angry with the girl. A girl in red comes to them. Alex looks at the girl. He falls in love, but she goes away. He thinks want to meet her again, but he doesn't even know her name. How can he meet her again?
[126 words]
Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
Goodbye, Hello!. Foundations Reading Library.


BR 1-10: The Cave

I'll introduce about this great book to everyone. Five characters appear this story. Faye, John, Tyler, David and Daniela are they. One day, they are in their boat. Faye is driving the boat. she is good at it. Then they find a secret cave, so they drive the boat to the cave. The place was very dark. Then they get out of the boat and look around the cave. They find many interesting things in the cave. There are some old books, lamps, and newspapers. Later, the water comes up and they can not get out of the cave. How do they get out of the cave?
[108 words]

Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
The Cave. Foundations Reading Library.

Peer Assesments

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Now 7

4088 words.

BR1-09: Get the Ball!

Four characters appear this story. Jenny, Kerry, Alex and Anthony are they. Alex and Anthony are main characters. One day, there is a soccer game reds versus blues. Alex plays for the Blues, and Anthony plays for the Reds. Alex pushes Anthony and takes the ball from him. Anthony is angry with Alex. They run for the ball, but Alex kicks Anthony and takes the ball. Anthony is very angry with Alex, and he kicks the ball away. Anthony says "Get the ball, Alex!" Alex goes to get the ball, but he gets into trouble unfortunately. What happens to him?
[100 words]
Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
Get the Ball!. Foundations Reading Library.

BR1-08: Rain, Rain, Rain!

Faye and her mother appear this book. One day, she gets up. It is rainy day. She thinks she don't want to go to the school.School starts at 9 o'clock. She looks at the clock. It's 8:20! She thinks she is late for school. Her mother says please eat, Faye. She says Sorry mom I'm late. Her mother says "But..., but..." She leaves home in a hurry. She gets on her bike and races to school in the rain, but she has many troubles getting to school. Is she late for school? Isn't she late for school?
[104 words]
Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
Rain, Rain, Rain!. Foundations Reading Library.

BR1-07: Bad Dog? Good Dog!

 Yoon-Hee and her brother Ji-Sung are main characters of this story, and a dog appears. One day, Yoon-Hee and her brother go shopping. But he doesn't want to do the shopping. They meet their friend, Farina on the way to go shopping. She has a big dog. The dog name is Dingo. So they decide to take the dog. Yoon-Hee, Ji-Sung, and Dingo walk to the store. In fact, Ji-Sung doesn't like a dog. Yoon-Hee goes into the store, Ji-Sung and Dingo wait outside. She buy a meat and comes back. She put the meat and goes into the store again. Ji-Sung waits with Dingo. Dingo wants the meat. Ji-Sung isn't looking at Dingo. Dingo takes the meat. Dingo runs down the street. What happens next? Is Dingo really a bad dog?
[145 words]

Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
Bad Dog? Good Dog!. Foundations Reading Library.


BR1-06: TROUBLE at the Zoo

I want to recommend this book to everyone, because I've met a nice book. So I want everyone to know good of this book. Three persons and many animals appear this story. Mike, Jenny and Mr. Jenkins are they. Mr. Jenkins is a staff of the zoo. One day, Mike and Jenny go to the zoo. Mike wants to make trouble at the zoo, so he picks up a baby kangaroo to show Jenny. Then the baby's mother kangaroo comes to Mike. The mother kangaroo is very very angry. What happens to them? Yes, hurry to the library.
[100 words]
Rob, Waring, & Maurice, Jamall. (2006)
TROUBLE at the Zoo. Foundations Reading Library.

BR1-05: A Monster Mistake

I'm very glad to meet a nice book like this. I want to introduce everyone this book. Three children and two adults appear this book. One day, they go to Scotland. They stay in a cottage by a lake. They paint a picture of the lake. However Gran, one of the five characters paint a monster in the picture. Everyone else laugh and say "There is no such thing". What happens next? Monster really exist? I want you to know the end by read. If you read this book, you must have duped. I want you to go to the library and to rent this book.
[107 words]

Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta
[Oxford] : Oxford University Press, 2003