
Diary ③

I went for a morning walk. I said good morning to the people I saw, but some of them didn’t say anything. I had this bad feeling all day today.

I’m not feeling well these days. Am I too busy? Or am I too stressed? Anyway I should see a doctor.

I was looking for this CD for a long time, and I finally found it. I bought it without thinking twice. I was very happy.

I don’t know why, but Takayoshi treated me to lunch today. I wonder if something nice happened to him.

It was hectic today. I did the cleaning and the laundry this morning. This afternoon, I went to the bank and the CD shop. The day went by too fast.

I ran into Hiroki on the way to the grocery store. We talked for a long time. I had a good time.

Taro and I were supposed to go to a café, but he called it off at the last minute again. He cancels all the time, which makes me feel like not going out with him anymore.

The trains were delayed due to a traffic light accident or something today. I was really irritated.

It’s getting cold these days. It was 5 this morning I think. I don’t like winter.

[239 words]

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