

 I watched this movie this time and I liked it very much. I knew of it, but I had never watched it, but I wanted to watch this. The story of this movie is about marching bands. I don’t have a musically talent but I thought I want to play some instruments after I watched the movie. I felt this movie is very energetic and beautiful. Anyway I was so excited, so I’d like to talk about it.


The main character of this movie is Devon. He is very handsome so I like him. He lives in Manhattan and has a special talent of marching drum. He was discovered by a college of Atlanta. I remember I was excited by the scene. I envy him because he has a talent. I want some talents. He joined the team and, he put other teammates to shame because he was so good at drum. Also he got a girlfriend, but he was selfish. That means one of the greatest problems in his human relations was self-centered behavior. I suppose he couldn’t help it, but I don’t like such self-centered thinking. I think we should live in harmony. He had a problem but then reformed and worked as drummer.


 My favorite scene of this movie is when Devon and Sean have become reconciled. Sean is the leader of the team Devon joined. Sean didn’t like Devon because of his swanky attitude. I hoped they will make it up soon when I watched the scene of fight between them. I think that people who have watched this movie can understand it. Everybody must think that this is the most memorable scene of the movie. To tell the truth, I was close to tears when they have become reconciled. You should have a look this. I’m glad if you watch and learn something from this movie.

319/2914 words.

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