
BR2-10: The little red bus

One day, the little red school bus broke down on the way home. The mothers and fathers had to come in cars to get the children. The next day, a truck towed the little red bus back to the garage. The children went to school in a new yellow bus. Mr. Biggs went to look at the bus and looked inside the engine. He said he can make it go again and he is good at fixing car. He will buy the bus. He showed his family the bus. They thought the bus is going to be a caravan. They worked and worked for weeks. One day the caravan is ready. Then they went driving away down the road in the little red caravan for a holiday. After read this, I wanted a caravan. I want yellow one. Please!haha

Reference: Randell, Beverley & Greenhatch, Betty. (1994). The little red bus.  Albany, New Zealand: Nelson Price Milburn.

  140/5332 words.

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