

 Yesterday, I went to TSUTAYA to buy some books. I went to there by bicycle. It was so cold. First I went to second floor to see CDs. I found many CDs I want to buy. Then I went to third floor to see rental CD&DVDs. Then I met my senpai. He is Korean, but he speaks Japanese perfectly. He says he will get a japanese nationality. I respect him. I borrowed four CDs and bought one CD. I was very happy. I wanted to go home soon, because I wanted to listen to them right now. But I remembered my truth aim. It is to buy some books about shukatu. So I bought two books about shukatu. It is little expensive so I felt sad. Then I went home soon.

 Arrived my house, I turned on my computer soon, because I wanted to listen to the music. But I was sleepy and warring about tommorow. That is why I have ichigen on Wednesday. But I like music anyway. I put them into my itunes. Many many songs are in my itunes. Maybe total is 5000 songs. I like them very much.haha I was sleepy but I could not sleep. So I depended on drinks power.haha I drunk horoyoi. It is famous for chuhai. I drunk orange taste of it. It is sold only winter season. I worked my itunes drinking horoyoi. It was good time for me. Then I listened them at my bed. Then I was asleep at about four.

 Good mornig. No, bad morning. Because I am sleepy very much. I slept only four hours. I want to go to bed as soon as. I ate one onigiri. It was bad. I felt bad from morning. Today is bad,,, Then I took a bath for ten minutes. Then I brushed my teeth. Then I went to KGU to take this class. Yes, writing class! I am attending now. I writing my this blog. I am very sleepy. Unfortunately I take next class, so I can't go home. I think I will sleep next class. No no just kidding.haha I want to go home soon and listen to the music. I didn't bring my ipod, so I can not listen them.

 I borrowed four CDs yesterday. Justin Bieber, Shota Shimizu, Hazzie, LGMonkees are them. All were good. Especially I liked Justin Biebers "Believe" It was too good. He is very cool and has special talent though he is younger than us. I could not sleep because of it. I am worried about to buy it. I want to buy it because it was too good. I am going to go to used cornor of second floor of TSUTAYA. If the price is low, I will buy it. I am looking forward to it.

Well, let's go to next class!cry

479/10070 words.

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