
Movie I recommend

I found a good movie, so I really want to recommend it. The movie title is “The third man”. This story begins with a voice. The voice narrating about the current situation in Vienna, with shots of various famous monuments and buildings in the city. The voice says I never knew the old Vienna before the war with its Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm. Constantinople suited me better. I really got to know it in the classic period of the Black Market. The sentence continues. The voice says Oh, I was gonna tell you. Wait. I was gonna tell you about Holly Martins. An American came all the way here to visit a friend of his. The name was Lime. Harry Lime. Now Martins was broke and Lime had offered him some sort, I don't know, some sort of a job. Anyway, there he was. Poor chap. Happy as a lark and without a cent. After this narration, the scene begins. A train pulls into the station. Holly Martins gets off the train and walks through the barrier. A US M.P. stops him to check his passport. Martins takes his passport from his overcoat. The M.P. hands back the passport as Martins walks off. Then he arrives at Lime's flat. He climbs the stairs to Harry Lime's flat. A porter sings in German next to the banisters of the floor above. He knocks on the door and the porter calls down to him. The porter says that Lime died. Martins goes to Lime's funeral ceremony. Martins approaches Calloway, one of the mourners. Martins and Calloway get acquainted in the car. They goes to bar. Martins makes a dive at Calloway. Before he can try, Paine pulls him back. having had too much to drink, Martins loses his balance and spins around a post. Martins stands up to hit Calloway, but Paine quickly lands a punch on his mouth. Martins crashes down. Paine helps him up. Martins and Paine enter the hotel. Paine carries Martins's bag as Martins holds his handkerchief to his mouth. Hartman passes by and goes to the front desk. crabbin and woman enter. Paine speaks to Crabbin. Crabbin says I'll tell you what, Mr. Martins. On wednesday night at our institute, we're having a little lecture on the contemporary novel. Thought perhaps you'd like to speak? Your novels are very popular here. Listen. Er, Mr. Martins. If you'd agree to be our guest, we'd be delighted to have you. Day-Kurtz approaches the cafe carrying a copy of Oklahoma Kid. Martins sees him from inside the cafe and goes out to greet him. Martins walks with Kurtz, carrying a small dog, outside the flat. Kurtz explains the situation at the time. The two step out onto the road and Kurtz looks down on the ground. Then kurtz says I can't remember the exact words, Holly. I may call you Holly, mayn't I? He always called you that to us. He was anxious I should look after you when you arrived. To see that you got safely home. Tickets, you know, and all that. Then Anna and Martins arrive at her flat building. In the entrance, a worried looking old woman wrapped in a blanket comes out and talks to Anna in German. Anna stands back from the door and looks up to the upper floors. Anna and Martins enter the building and climb the stairs to her flat. The old woman continues talking i German. Inside, Calloway and police officers are scouring her belings. Anna opens her bag and hands over her papers. Calloway turns and shows the documents to Paine. He points at something in the passport. He holds it up to the light. Paine sits at a desk and writes out some receiots for the items to be confiscated. Anna watches over him. I want everyone to watch the movie. Thank you.
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