
Freeee writing

 Today is Saturday. I plan to go out from the afternoon, so I want to write blog during noon. I would like to write many things I think of one after another. I am very sleepy now, but I want to do my best. I hope that the total words reach 15000. Current my blog’s total is about 8000, so I must write more. No, I have to do it. Motivation makes a good ending, I think. Well, anyway I am thirsty now so let’s drink tea.haha

Speaking of tea, tea is proud of Japan, I think. Many types of tea exist. What kinds of tea do you like or drink? They are sold at shops. Well, which makers of tea do you choose? I like jyurokucha very much. To tell the truth, I am drinking it now. It is very good taste. My friend likes a tea, but his tea is made by his mother. It is very good too. We often drink it at lunch time. It puts home-made dish into my head. They have a good point drinks on the market don’t have, but almost mothers don’t make a tea. I like jyurokucha. If you have never drunk it, please try to drink it.

By the way, I want to take a bath now. Because I like furo anyway. I often go to sento or onsen with my friend. We go to Battennoyu, ikkyu, yulax and so on. They are nice place to talk or relax. We take a bath long time. It is relax time for us. Furo makes us comfortable. I prefer sento or onsen than furo of my house. The time takes our mind off the worries of recently syukatu or part-time job. We can relax very much. I think that we have some worries about something. At least I have. We need to rest. What is your hobby? If you want to do it, you should do. The time is important for you to achieve your goal.

Speaking of hobby, my hobby is writing blog.haha Just kidding. In fact, my hobby is tennis. As you know, I was belonged to the tennis club before. I was always playing soft tennis when I was a student. I sometimes play it recently. Because of it, I have many friends who were belonged to the club. They are my good friends. I am glad that I can play tennis with them after we graduated. It is nice thing, I think. They are good at it really, so I can enjoy fully. If I did not belong to the tennis club, I wanted to belong to soccer club. I like soccer too. I played soccer for three years when I was ten to twelve. I wanted to play it more, but I entered the tennis club because of many reasons. But thanks of it, I could find many good points of tennis. Have you ever played tennis? It is really hard and fun. If you don’t know it, I want you to play it.

See you ! haha
519/8578 words.

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